Milk Powder BAKE

From childhood through to 2004, milk was a major part of my diet, some might say that my increased consumption was a factor in my incredibly high metabolism during that period (for those that are unaware, you may wish to seek out my articles and podcasts discussing my 6000 kcal intake). For those that are fans of the work of rebellious scientist and philosopher Dr. Raymond Peat, the milk consumption coupled with my jelly sweet consumption, love of coffee and general carbaholic status gives good evidence of the effects of a so called "peatatarian" diet that people try to adhere to. Disclaimer, no such diet exists or was idealised by Ray.

Whilst I had an awareness of Ray via my studies of Broda Barnes, I had yet to fully immerse myself in the Fan Girling whirlwind that encircled Ray...although he is totally unaware of his celebrity status. What happened next was a few years of hell that eventually brought me full circle and ensconced me in Ray's work. A place that not only felt comfortable and reassuring, but a place that reaffirmed how close I had been way back when. It showed me that my time in the whacky paleo/metabolic typing/CHEK world was damaging, but the ultimate experiment/lesson.

And so it came to pass that I once again began consuming milk (I gave it up during faileo as I could not access the allowed raw pasture raised type). And with it I returned to my milk powder bake. As ever it was a Ray statement about milk powder pancakes that sparked the memory, so I adapted my recipe to use his ideas, but baked it my old way rather than frying in a pan.



1 cup of milk powder (I use Organic Skimmed)
1/3 cup of Milk (I use Organic Skimmed)
2-3 tablespoons of sugar
1 egg


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl to a smooth consistency.

Pour into a dish that is suitable for the over (I use the glass lid from a casserole dish).

Bake in the oven at 180-200 degrees C for around 15-20 mins, or until golden brown. Around 10 minutes slice a cross to allow the inner part to cook.

Serve with Greek yogurt, cream or Ice Cream

I have since adapted the recipe to include 2 eggs and a full cup of milk, but that is just because I forgot my own recipe and it still worked. Due to the cost of living crisis (aka the central banks rampant money printing) I have tried to cook it in a pan and also in an air fryer. For the pan it works better with less liquid like the original recipe. Play about with it and see what works for you. However it turns out, it’s still food.


State Mandated Stupidity


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